1. Look at the direction of the surface currents in the oceans and at the direction of the wind. What evidence do you find that wind influences the direction of the surface currents in the oceans?
2. What pattern can you see in the direction of the global winds? Look at global winds near the equator, in the middle latitudes, and in the polar regions.
3. Notice the location and flow of warm and cold ocean currents. Why do you suppose that currents flowing toward the equator are generally cool while currents flowing away from the equator are warm?
Look at the black outline map of the world and the world maps of average ocean currents and average winds in January and July. Locate your assigned study region on the black outline map of the world and draw a box around it.
4. Using Google Earth, trace the flow of water from your study region. Start upstream at the source, then move downstream through your study region to an ocean, noting the names of bodies of water and the regions through which it passes.
5. Using the world maps of average ocean currents and average winds to guide you, draw the pathways of wind and water into and out of your region on the black outline map: from where it meets an ocean, across that ocean to other continents, to around the globe. NOTE: You may want to use pencil at first; then use different colored pens or pencils to distinguish wind direction and water currents from each other.
6. Write the geographic names of regions along the water's pathway and through which the wind passes.
a. What are the regions from which wind blows into your region? Write down real geographic names (for example, write the name of a mountain chain, not just "mountains").
b. What might the wind be bringing into your region? Think about the places the wind is coming from, what happens there, what lives there. Think about dust, insects, tiny seeds, smoke, air masses of cooler or warmer temperatures, and moisture. Be specific in your responses.
c. When wind blows out of your region, what region does it blow into? Again, write down real geographic names.
d. What might the wind be carrying out of your region? Is it the same as what it brought in? Be as specific as you can about what is being carried, and where it goes.
e. What are the regions from which water flows into your region? Write down geographic names.
f. What might the water be bringing into your region? Be as specific as you can.
g. When water flows out of your region, what region does it flow into? Again, write down geographic names.
h. What might the water be carrying out of your region? Be specific.
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